- Like A Rock
- Signature Required
- This Ain’t No Bonanza
- Laborers in the Vineyard
- Ordinary? What’s That?
- Who Do You Say That I Am?
- Please Pass the Bread
- A Mary Christmas
- Is It the Sower or the Mustard Seed?
- What’s Up With That?

AG TOPICS / View Sample Video
- “Like A Rock”All mothers carry a heavy load for their families, but especially farm mothers. Be inspired with stories about all that mothers do for their families, and be wowed at how amazing you really are
- “Signature Required” Signing up to spend our lives with a farmer is a gutsy move, indeed. Come and be reminded of why we did it, and the ways in which it changed our lives.
- “This Ain’t No Bonanza”On the T.V. show “Bonanza,” problems could be solved in 60 minutes. It’s a little different in real life, but there is just as much adventure in every 60 minutes!
- “Laborers in the Vineyard” Farmers and their families work hard–out in the fields, in the yards, and standing at the washing machine. We all have our labors–let’s laugh and talk about some of those labors of necessity, and labors of love.
- “Ordinary? What’s That?” Farm life is unlike that of any other chosen occupation or way of life. They are full days overflowing with the ordinary tasks of farm labor. Or is it ordinary?
1. “Who Do You Say That I Am?”
Jesus asked this of his followers, and often got answers that didn’t satisfy him. Follow the characters in the story of the passion, and even in the story of the nativity–and find out who YOU are.
2. “Please Pass the Bread”
Through our baptism, we are called to be bread to our neighbors and to the world. What is it you hunger for, and how are you feeding those around you?
3. “A Mary Christmas”
As Mary said “yes” to God’s call for her to carry His son, so all mothers carry a load for their families, bringing with it great joys and great sorrows. Come and share the wonderful gift it is to be a mother.
4. “Is it the Sower or the Mustard Seed?”
It’s that whole chicken-and-egg thing revisited all over again. Faith without works is dead–so which came first–the sower or the mustard seed?
5. “What’s Up With THAT?”
Just as Jesus’ followers didn’t recognize him until the breaking of the bread, we also find sometimes that things are not always what they seem. Good thing God knows what we need before we do.
Testimonials from the herd…
“Love your energy and you truly are a story teller. Nice dessert for the menu.”
“She had me in tears as I realized how much sense she was making about relationships for what is going on in my life at the time.”
“Family stories are the best!”
“Fabulous and very personable!”
“Never a dull moment as she speaks; using her daily life experiences, humor and her innate sensitivity and tone to captivate her audience of any age. I always leave her speaking venues uplifted and rejuvenated; an all-around positive experience.”
“Thanks for a wonderful evening!!! I left feeling so inspired that it was 1:00 am before I went to bed last night. Thank you for all you do and for being an inspiration to so many people.” Angie Strohman, Ayshire, IA